Albuquerque Journal Endorses Pro-Life Lewis as the Conservative Candidate for Mayor Sunday, the Albuquerque Journal endorsed leading pro-life candidate Dan Lewis, as the conservative candidate for Albuquerque mayor. New Mexico Alliance for Life continues to bring you well researched, factual information on the ABQ mayor's race and we have more concerning discoveries on pro-abortion extremists Brian Colon and Tim Keller (below). With pro-abortion candidates Keller, Colon and pro-life Dan Lewis consistently holding the top three slots in polling for the Albuquerque mayor's race, it's crucial that pro-life voters make an informed vote. The Journal has also reported that a run-off election is highly probable, since no candidate appears to be getting more than 50% of the vote. Make sure you're informed this election, by using NMAFL's Pro-Life Voter Guide here, so pro-life voters are not left choosing between two pro-abortion extemists. Please share this crucial information with friends, family and church groups. Don't forget: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 is the general election for the Albuquerque mayor's race. Early voting remains available 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday until September 29, 2017. Find a polling place near you here. Pro-Abortion Brian Colon Serves as Ministry Leader at |
❌ Pro-Abortion (up to the day of birth). Keller has previously taken campaign cash from late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd. He is endorsed by various pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, Nasty Women NM and others. Don't be misled as Keller's campaign materials boast attending St. Pius and Notre Dame Catholic schools. However, as a 'Catholic' Keller endorsed Respect ABQ Women in ABQ elections to keep abortion legal through all 9 months for any reason and more. Read below on Keller's deep ties to the abortion industry. |
❌ Pro-Abortion. Colon has taken thousands of campaign dollars from his long-time friend, Attorney General Hector Balderas. As NMAFL has reported, Balderas has protected the abortion industry over women by allowing over 100 criminal complaints against Southwestern Women's Options late-term abortion business and UNM Health Sciences Center to expire. Read more on Colon's alignment with the abortion industry below. |
✔️Pro-Life. Dan Lewis was the first mayoral candidate to issue a public pro-life statement. As city councilor, Lewis fought alongside pro-life groups and was instrumental in getting the 2013 late-term ban on the ABQ city-wide ballot. "As a City Councilor, I fought hard and was very publicly vocal about my stance on abortion and specifically late-term abortion. I worked with life groups to ensure the question would be on the ballot, voted for the election resolution that created the ballot question, and ultimately put it before the voters. As Mayor, I will take seriously my responsibility to ensure all facilities within our city, including abortion clinics, that provide medical health and safety services to our residents and visitors are in compliance with required business and health regulations. To that end, our Solid Waste Department inspects and reviews Infectious Waste disposal practices, the Zoning Enforcement Division inspects and reviews facilities in the City to determine whether their activities are within permitted uses under the current code or its variances, and the Environmental Health Department and Code Administration Division ensures proper disposal of waste products and inspects premises for insect and rodent infestations." Read Dan's response to NMAFL's questionnaire here. |
✔️Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson has stated that he is, "staunchly pro-life, supporting parental notification and opposing late-term abortions." Read Wayne's response to NMAFL's questionnaire here. |
✔️Pro-Life. Michelle Garcia Holmes served as Chief of Staff under attorney General Gary King and released the following statement: "I'm pro-life because life is precious, children are precious. Each and every baby should be wanted, these are children, they are someone's son, someone's daughter. I have a strong faith and belief system that tells me we cannot separate our faith and ideological beliefs on this issue. My faith guides me to have mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and to care for the most vulnerable. Life is precious." |
✔️Pro-Life. "The fact that Albuquerque is known as the "late term abortion capital of the country" is disheartening and disgusting. I am openly vocal about my pro-life beliefs and won't shy away from letting people know where I stand. I'd use the full weight of the mayor's office and the media to pressure Attorney General Hector Balderas to act on the investigations and findings that were presented to his office recently. Hector Balderas has endorsed Brian Colon's candidacy for mayor, so you know these two would continue to encourage this awful behavior. They are cheerleaders of the abortion industry and their practices, and have raised lots of money for these abortionists. I would also be vocal about changing the perception that we as a city embrace these actions. The mayor can also send health and building inspectors to make sure that these clinics are following the law. We could also look at the zoning laws in the area of the clinic. With the support of organizations like New Mexico Alliance for Life, we can pressure the ABQ City Council to rezone these areas for other uses." Read Ricardo's response to NMAFL's survey here. |
Pro-Abortion 'Catholics' Brian Colon and Tim Keller
In 2013, then-state senator Tim Keller actually endorsed "Respect ABQ Women," a group pushing to keep abortion legal up to the day of birth in the Albuquerque city election. Tim Keller has also received endorsements from radicalized pro-abortion groups Planned Parenthood, Nasty Women New Mexico and endless favorable press from pro-abortion media like "ProgressNow NM."
In fact, Keller was a featured guest presenter at ProgressNow's "Progressive Summit" earlier this year, where a who's who of pro-abortion groups convened to discuss "abortion access" in NM and other issues. Read more here.
In fact, Keller was a featured guest presenter at ProgressNow's "Progressive Summit" earlier this year, where a who's who of pro-abortion groups convened to discuss "abortion access" in NM and other issues. Read more here.
Brian Colon donated to the Southwest Women's Law Center, in honor of their high dollar pro-abortion lobbyist, "Julie Koob's good work." At the same time, Koob was hired by SWLC to "ensure that full reproductive health services are still available in Santa Fe despite the Catholic hospital merger there imposing religious restrictions on access to contraception." Koob is well known in Santa Fe at the legislature as a seasoned, pro-abortion lobbyist who works for clients like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, SWLC and others.
Colon has also taken thousands of campaign dollars from his long-time friend, Attorney General Hector Balderas. As NMAFL has reported, Balderas has protected the abortion industry over women by allowing over one hundred criminal complaints against Southwestern Women's Options late-term abortion business and UNM Health Sciences Center to expire. Read more here.
Colon has also taken thousands of campaign dollars from his long-time friend, Attorney General Hector Balderas. As NMAFL has reported, Balderas has protected the abortion industry over women by allowing over one hundred criminal complaints against Southwestern Women's Options late-term abortion business and UNM Health Sciences Center to expire. Read more here.
Partner with New Mexico Alliance for Life by making a secure, online donation today. We are dedicated to overcoming the "culture of death" in New Mexico by building a "culture of life." Donations can be mailed to: 8400 Menaul Blvd NE Suite A220, Albuquerque, NM 87112. Thank you for your support! New Mexico Alliance for LIfe is registered as a 501c-4 organization, donations are not tax-deductible.
Congressman Pearce Calls On U.S. Attorney General to Investigate University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and Southwestern Women's Options Late-Term Abortion Business
ALBUQUERQUE: As New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas allows valid claims to expire daily, Congressman Steve Pearce issued a statment yesterday calling on U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate Southwestern Women's Options (SWWO) late-term abortion business and University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNMHSC). Pearce cited the violations of law identified by the Select Panel on Infant Lives' criminal referrals for both UNMHSC and SWWO. The Panel found numerous violations of both state and federal law in the harvesting of aborted infant body parts for research between SWWO and UNMHSC. From Pearce's letter to the U.S Attorney General:
"We formally request your office conduct an investigation on UNMHSC and SWWO practices related to the Panel's findings... We also ask that your office prosecutes, to the fullest extent of the law, any violations that are uncovered. It is entirely unacceptable for these institutions to continually violate 42 U.S. Code § 289g-2 as well as other state and federal laws, especially in-light of the interstate commerce that is generated from these abortions and the research that is conducted with the subsequent fetal tissue."
New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL) consulted with the Panel and provided thousands of documents resulting in the two criminal referrals issued for UNMHSC and SWWO. NMAFL has also raised the issue of claims involving baby brains, hearts and skin expiring by NM Attorney General Hector Balderas, protecting the abortion industry over women and unborn children.
"It has been over a year since NM Attorney General Hector Balderas received the criminal referrals from Congress evidencing massive violations of the law--yet he has done nothing but allow over one hundred claims to expire," said Elisa Martinez NMAFL executive director. "We will continue working with Congressman Pearce on these issues and applaud his stand in demanding justice on behalf of New Mexico women and unborn children who have been left behind by Hector Balderas."
You can read the letter sent by Congressman Pearce to the Office of the U.S Attorney General here.
"We formally request your office conduct an investigation on UNMHSC and SWWO practices related to the Panel's findings... We also ask that your office prosecutes, to the fullest extent of the law, any violations that are uncovered. It is entirely unacceptable for these institutions to continually violate 42 U.S. Code § 289g-2 as well as other state and federal laws, especially in-light of the interstate commerce that is generated from these abortions and the research that is conducted with the subsequent fetal tissue."
New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL) consulted with the Panel and provided thousands of documents resulting in the two criminal referrals issued for UNMHSC and SWWO. NMAFL has also raised the issue of claims involving baby brains, hearts and skin expiring by NM Attorney General Hector Balderas, protecting the abortion industry over women and unborn children.
"It has been over a year since NM Attorney General Hector Balderas received the criminal referrals from Congress evidencing massive violations of the law--yet he has done nothing but allow over one hundred claims to expire," said Elisa Martinez NMAFL executive director. "We will continue working with Congressman Pearce on these issues and applaud his stand in demanding justice on behalf of New Mexico women and unborn children who have been left behind by Hector Balderas."
You can read the letter sent by Congressman Pearce to the Office of the U.S Attorney General here.
Earlier this week, NM Attorney General Hector Balderas swftly and almost instantly announced he is suing the President over DACA: "I filed suit against President Trump and his administration to protect DACA."
If Hector Balderas has time to sue the President for political purposes, he has time to do the job he was hired by New Mexicans to do : uphold the law and defend the citizens of this state.
INDICT TODAY: Contact the New Mexico Office of the Attorney General and tell him to issue an indictment for the congressional criminal referrals of UNM Health Science Center and Southwestern Women's Options. He has now allowed over 100 Criminal claims to expire since last year. Tell him to stop denying justice to NM women and unborn children. If he has time to play political games and sue the President, he must act on the criminal referrals NOW.
Toll Free 1-844-255-9210
Phone: (505) 490-4060
Fax: (505) 490-4883
Help New Mexico Alliance for Life continue our investigation to bring about justice and the results you want to see. Partner with us today so we can bring you the latest updates on important issues you care about. Together we will continue to build a Culture of Life in New Mexico.
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If Hector Balderas has time to sue the President for political purposes, he has time to do the job he was hired by New Mexicans to do : uphold the law and defend the citizens of this state.
INDICT TODAY: Contact the New Mexico Office of the Attorney General and tell him to issue an indictment for the congressional criminal referrals of UNM Health Science Center and Southwestern Women's Options. He has now allowed over 100 Criminal claims to expire since last year. Tell him to stop denying justice to NM women and unborn children. If he has time to play political games and sue the President, he must act on the criminal referrals NOW.
Toll Free 1-844-255-9210
Phone: (505) 490-4060
Fax: (505) 490-4883
Help New Mexico Alliance for Life continue our investigation to bring about justice and the results you want to see. Partner with us today so we can bring you the latest updates on important issues you care about. Together we will continue to build a Culture of Life in New Mexico.
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