Farmington Mayor Abandons the Unborn In Crucial Pro-Life Vote
October 9, 2019
On Tuesday, Farmington Mayor Nate Duckett cast the tie-breaking vote on a resolution by the Farmington City Council to support all human life, proposed by City Councilor Sean Sharer after multiple constituents contacted him asking to have the resolution considered.
The Mayor joined City Counselors Janis Jakino and Linda Rogers in voting against the resolution. Counselors Jeanine Bingham-Kelly and Sean Sharer voted for it.
Duckett said in a statement that he “did not feel the City Council was the right venue for such a resolution” and that although his personal beliefs support the resolution, but “he did not feel like it was something the City Council should pass because it would be symbolic.”
The resolution, however, would not be the first of its kind in New Mexico, with Lea County previously passing a similar resolution declaring support for life, and Roswell passing a resolution declaring the city a “sanctuary” for the unborn. When Farmington’s resolution was being considered in September, Mayor Duckett seemed hesitant to consider it, branding it “ridiculous” and saying that the passage of such a bill would “politicize something that deals with the value of human life, which we all need to take more value in."
Although the entire point of the resolution is to bring more attention to the value of human life, Duckett chose to vote with anti-life City Councilors, who support abortion, despite citizens overflowing “from the council chambers into the lobby,” according to attendees, to support the resolution.
Local leaders responded with disappointment. Katelyn Cardenas, the Respect Life Coordinator at Sacred Heart Parish in Farmington said, “The people of Farmington are disappointed; disappointment is a gross understatement. I’m shocked that Mayor Duckett initially told us he was a ‘pro-life Christian,’ and he couldn’t believe that this was even a political issue at a previous council meeting. Then to turn around and lecture us….” She continued, “How could you make such a contradicting statement that you’re a pro-life Christian, in one sentence and then tell us its woman’s right to choose and there’s nothing we can do about it—meaning you’re ok with it?”
Cardenas’ sentiments don't seem to mean she or other Farmington pro-lifers will give up hope. “We’re not going to quit, we have momentum behind us we are majority conservative community, our outreach programs far surpass that of other areas. We’re not going to quit because we know what’s on the line,” she said.”
New Mexico Alliance for Life will continue working with pro-life organizations and leaders across New Mexico to fight radical anti-life laws and leaders while supporting life-affirming actions.