Committee Needs to Hear From YOU After an effort to obstruct the legislative process and public support for the Parental Notification of Abortion Act (HB 56), it has been confirmed that HB 56 is scheduled for the Consumer and Public Affairs Committee and ask that supporters be prepared with a 1 minute speech for public testimony on Saturday, February 3, 2018. HB 56 Hearing Information WHERE: House floor, Capitol, Santa Fe, NM WHEN: Saturday, February 3rd - 9:00 a.m. Free Parking: 420 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, NM - directions here. Public Testimony Opportunity: In preparation for the committee hearing, public testimony is crucial-- we need parents, youth program leaders, girls under 18, school teachers and all concerned citizens to attend and voice support for HB 56. Please prepare a 1 minute speech, with personal testimony and include several points from our FACT SHEET here. . Support the Bill: View HB 56, the Parental Notification of Abortion fact sheet and contact your legislators today to support this important legislation. Also, contact the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee and ask them to vote for HB 56. Lastly, SHARE this critical information with others, across social media networks and with your churches and groups. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter today-- help us bring about public awareness on this serious matter affecting young girls, parents and families across the state. Parental Notification Needed for Aspirin, Not Abortion Download our fact sheet here. Did you know across New Mexico, teen girls can be taken off school property by an adult male and have an abortion, without any parental involvement or notification?
"On top of it, the parent is financially and personally responsible," Little added. "This is a lawsuit waiting to happen and I believe the state of New Mexico would lose that lawsuit." SHOCKED? What You Can Do!
View HB 56, the Parental Notification of Abortion fact sheet and contact your legislators today to support this important legislation. Also, contact the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee and ask them to vote for HB 56. Lastly, SHARE this critical information with others, across social media networks and with your churches and groups. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter today-- help us bring about public awareness on this serious matter affecting young girls, parents and families across the state. Public Testimony Opportunity: In preparation for the committee hearing, public testimony is crucial-- we need parents, youth program leaders, girls under 18, school teachers and all concerned citizens to attend and voice support for HB 56. U.S. Senate Voted Down Pain Capable Abortion Ban Monday the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act was voted down in the U.S. Senate. Both New Mexico Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich voted against protecting innocent life. The bill aimed to protect unborn babies, at 20 weeks gestation or farther, from the excruciating pain of abortion. The bill has also been called Micah's Law, referencing a baby born at 22-weeks who has gone on to live a normal, healthy life. Sen. Lindsey Graham, the lead sponsor, said the United States should be ashamed to be one of only seven nations, along with China and North Korea, to allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Pro-life senators have indicated they will bring this bill, or similar legislation, up again this year.
President Trump on Sanctity of Human Life Day President Trump made a strong stand for life by becoming the first president to address the national March for Life, but also by marking the tragic, 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, January 22nd, as "Sanctity of Human Life Day"! (Read more below, IMPORTANT Call to Action ). Santa Fe Pro-Life Rally Draws BIG Crowds Over one thousand pro-life supporters and leaders participated in this year's Sanctity of Life and Unity Day and Pro-Life Youth Summit on January 16th & 17th in at the capitol in Santa Fe. With innocent lives on the line, pro-life speakers including Rep. Rod Montoya (R- San Juan), stirred up enthusiasm as they talked about the importance of supporting pro-life legislation this session. Legislators who publicly claim to be Christian like Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero and others were called to vote for pro-life legislation, rather than work against. Watch the the video of the rally speeches here. Top left: Pro-Life youth call for equal rights for the unborn Top right: Pro-Life march included a thousand participants Bottom left: Advocates visit in Gov. Martinez office, asking she put all pro-life bills on the call Bottom right: Pro-Life advocates brave the icy temperatures to participate in energizing rally Pro-Life Legislation Three pro-life bills drafted by NMAFL were pre-filed by legislators, addressing the most extreme abortion policies in New Mexico, but only one, HB 56, the Parental Notification of Abortion, was put "on the call" by Governor Martinez. However HB 75, the Born Alive and Medical Care Act and HB 76 the Partial and Late-Term Abortion Ban were not placed on the call. The 2018 legislative session is a 30-day budget session and the Governor has discretion over what bills are "on the call." This year, Governor Martinez staff communicated that a greater committment from Catholic church leaders and Christian churches is neeeded for the pro-life bills to be placed on the call, as opposed to the level of support given to other issues at the legislature. URGENT: What You Can Do Today 1) Contact the Governor's office: request she place both HB 75, the Born Alive & Medical Care Act and HB 76, the Late-Term Abortion Act on the call at 505-476-2200, emails can be sent here. 2) Ask your pastors, priests and other church leaders to contact the Governor's office and pledge their support for all pro-life legislation and request all pro-life bills to be put on the call. 3) Contact your legislator to support HB 56. Find out who your state legislators are here. About the Pro-Life Bills Parental Notification of Abortion Act (HB 56). View bill here. Info sheet here. Born Alive & Medical Care (HB 75). View bill here. *Use info here with new bill number HB 75. Partial Birth & Late-term Abortions (HB 76). View bill here. Info sheet here. ICYMI: Tips on How to Write Your Legislator
You can start contacting your legislators now. Here are helpful tips from New Mexico State Senator Bill Sharer on what you can do to help:
2018 is here and we're ready for the new year! We had a number of pro-life victories in 2017, but we need your help to make 2018 a greater success. Find out below how you can help! Pro-Life Victory! The scandal-ridden research program using aborted baby body parts at UNM Health Sciences Center (HSC) has been shut down. UNM's top fetal tissue researcher Dr. Robin Ohls was suspended and barred from her lab after she transferred baby body parts to a Michigan company and asked for money to pay her lab assistant. This was a potential violation of federal law (USC 42-289g2) and is in conflict with UNM HSC's past denial that there were unethical or unlawful practices. ![]() NMAFL was the first to expose Ohls' grisly research and questionable practices including studies using eyes from aborted babies, heart vessels from 57 babies, and more. This contradicts Attorney General Hector Balderas' refusal to prosecute claims on behalf of New Mexico women based on insufficient evidence. [Read more here] Legislative Briefing The legislative session begins in less than three weeks-- here is what you need to know about the upcoming session. Sanctity of Life and Unity Day. The annual pro-life mass, march and rally in Santa Fe will be held January 17, 2018 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. more details in following emails. High School Age Pro-Life Youth Summit There will be a high school age youth summit in Santa Fe, January 16 and 17. You can find out more about the event by contacting Rita or Abram at 505-771-8331 or [email protected]. Pro-Life Legislation Three pro-life bills, drafted by NMAFL, have been pre-filed and address the most extreme abortion policies that are legal in our state: Parental Notification of Abortion Act (HB- 56). View bill here. Info sheet here. Born Alive & Medical Care (HB 75). View bill here. *Use info here with new bill number HB 75. Partial Birth & Late-term Abortions (HB 76). View bill here. Info sheet here. Find your Legislator Ask legislators to support these three life-saving bills. Search your address here, to find your legislator's contact information. Spread the Word Please share this information and encourage your friends and neighbors to spread the word. Write Your Legislator You can start contacting your legislators now. Here are helpful tips from New Mexico State Senator Bill Sharer on what you can do to help:
Write Your Legislator You can start contacting your legislators now. Here are helpful tips from New Mexico State Senator Bill Sharer on what you can do to help:
2017 in Review
We've had many successes in New Mexico this year, a few of the highlights for the pro-life movement have been:
BREAKING: UNM Researcher Suspended Over Fetal Tissue Transfers - Immediate FBI Investigation Needed1/5/2018 Yesterday evening the Albuquerque Journal published a story after receiving an internal memo from the University of New Mexico (UNM) revealing that top fetal tissue researcher Dr. Robin Ohls was suspended and barred from her lab. Ohls used baby body parts acquired from Southwestern Women's Options (SWO) and transferred them to a Michigan company.