Documents Obtained by NMAFL
- Emergency Transports from SWO
- Complaint
- Consent Form
- Aorta Heart Vessel Study
- SWO and UNM Subpeonas
- Aborted Baby Eye Study
- Fetal Kidney & Liver Study
- UNM Live-Birth Abortion Protocol
- UNM & Planned Parenthood of NM
- UNM & Southwestern Women's Options
- UNM Letter from Dr. Roth to NM Legislators
- Curtis Boyd UNM Documents
- "You can't do that around here"
- The UNM CARES Project
Dr. Boyd and UNMH Department of Pediatrics, Robin Ohls Letter
The following requirements for UNM policy on contracts are missing from the Espey/Boyd contract:
A) Safety and risk management concerns have been reasonably addressed: none.
B) The contract represents a “good deal for the University” and has “measurable deliverables:” no mention.
C) Compliance with the obligations it places on the University must be ensured: no mention.
E) The contract meets programmatic and University mission requirements: no mention
F) The contract is sufficiently clear and consistent.
*NOTE abortion after 20 weeks carries a 91 times greater risk of death than 1st trimester. L. Bartlett et al., Risk factors for legal induced abortion-related mortality in the United States, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 103(4):729 (2004). Complications increase at an exponential rate after 20 weeks.
A) Safety and risk management concerns have been reasonably addressed: none.
B) The contract represents a “good deal for the University” and has “measurable deliverables:” no mention.
C) Compliance with the obligations it places on the University must be ensured: no mention.
E) The contract meets programmatic and University mission requirements: no mention
F) The contract is sufficiently clear and consistent.
- The contract is void of addressing Dr. Boyd’s medical malpractice insurance, risk assessment or general liability.
- In the case of serious injury or death exposes taxpayers to payouts of medical malpractice, residents and women patients are all at risk.
- According to the State Patient Compensation Fund, neither Dr. Curtis Boyd nor Southwestern Women’s Options nor any of the clinic’s practicing abortionists carry medical malpractice insurance.
*NOTE abortion after 20 weeks carries a 91 times greater risk of death than 1st trimester. L. Bartlett et al., Risk factors for legal induced abortion-related mortality in the United States, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 103(4):729 (2004). Complications increase at an exponential rate after 20 weeks.
UNM Planned Parenthood of
UNM Dr Curtis Boyd, Southwestern Women's Options Agreement
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