As promised, NMAFL has a big announcement to make regarding our investigative work. Yesterday, the congressional Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives issued a criminal referral to New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas outlining evidence that the University of New Mexico and Southwestern Women's Options may have violated New Mexico statute. The report issued by the Select Panel includes numerous citations of NMAFL's investigative findings. The referral letter also notes that further investigation is warranted into whether UNM or SWWO also violated a federal statute that makes it a 10-year felony to receive valuable consideration in exchange for human fetal tissue. "Through its investigation, the Panel has discovered that personnel within UNM's hospital and medical school have aggressively engaged in expanding abortion in New Mexico through the offices, personnel, and resources of UNM." - Marsha Blackburn, chair of the Select Investigative Panel Excerpts from the documents released by Select Panel yesterday are nothing short of depraved. A horrific set of notes comes from a UNMHSC employee, regarding UNMHSC's Dream Makers Health Careers Program for middle and high school students' exposure to "health professions" which includes "dissections of various specimens." The fashion in which the nameless UNMHSC employee custom orders baby's brains from Boyd's abortion clinic is shocking and disgusting-- but worse, the UNMHSC employee order babies' brains to dissect with summer camp students, "Asked clinic for digoxin treated tissue 24-28 wks. for methylation study & because [name redacted] wants whole, fixed brains to dissect w/ summer camp students." NMAFL's general counsel, Mike Seibel after previewing the breadth of documents stated, "these are the most depraved acts I have ever seen, in over 20 years in the practice of law--I have seen human bodies burned in accidents, beheadings, and worse, however the blatant soliciting of aborted infant brains in order to dissect at a children's summer camp tops it all." Will you help New Mexico Alliance for Life continue exposing these depraved, illicit activities funded by our tax dollars at the University of New Mexico? Whether or not the media will actually report these horrific findings, we need YOU to take a stand today, and join us, donate to NM Alliance for Life today, so together we can bring this information to light through our own media campaign!
Enough is enough. Help us today, so we can continue our investigation and taking action to dismantle the stronghold of the abortion industry in our state and at the University of New Mexico. Stay tuned as NMAFL continues to bring you more up-to-the-minute analysis on the Select Panel's report and what you can do next to take action. ACTION ITEM: BLOW THE WHISTLE CAMPAIGNWe encourage UNM Health Sciences Center employees to report wrongdoing today, though our secure, confidential online platform. Encourage anyone you know who may have information pertinent to our investigation to come forward and submit it through our secure online form. You can help our investigation by forwarding this information to your network. New Mexico Alliance for Life will evaluate and investigate any information provided by whistleblowers as part of our ongoing investigation. Any personal information that you provide us will be kept in strict confidence. Click here to report wrongdoing today. Examples of Wrongdoing and Information to Report
NMAFL Announces "Blow the Whistle" Campaign |