The 9th video in a series of investigative reports from the Center for Medical Progress was released yesterday, (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT). Perrin Larton, Procurement Manger of Advanced Bioscience Research is featured describing how the babies are aborted, "The abdomen is always ripped open...the instruments they go into and pull...whatever presents first, unfortunately the abdomen presents first." Later she goes on to lament this, since the disemboweled and dismembered baby's body parts are not always intact nor as profitable--only when a baby just happens to "fall out." "Because if they've had a lot of births, that's kind of what happens." The baby just "falls out." In New Mexico's abortion clinics, what is the protocol when this happens here? Again as NMAFL has pointed out during the 2015 NM legislative session committee hearings, this is why the federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act was enacted to protect babies who survive an abortion. In late-term abortions this is a more common occurrence-- so common that it spurred the passage of the law in 2002. Babies who are alive inside their mother's womb, will sometimes come out alive during an abortion procedure, if this is the case the law provides for their medical care and protection from any harm. This law was put in place to protect a baby from being murdered by the abortionist once outside the womb or simply left to die unattended. This is the flawed logic behind abortion law in general. However, according to content revealed in these videos it appears the babies born alive and "intact" are not receiving humane, compassionate care required by the law. It appears their precious bodies have a larger dollar sign than the dismembered bodies of others, which begs the question: are babies that "fall out" of the birth canal being murdered outside the womb so that their "intact" bodies can be sold for research, and is this taking place here in NM? NMAFL was the first to point out that baby body parts are solicited for research by the late term abortion center, Southwestern Women's Options in Albuquerque and also at the Whole Women's Health abortion center in Las Cruces. Are you disturbed by the content of these videos? Why is it important to support NM Alliance for Life? NMAFL is leading the charge in asking for answers to these serious questions in our state. Please make sure to sign and share our petition today. The public needs to understand that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are politically active entities. In fact here in NM, Planned Parenthood alone has four organizations registered to lobby against any common sense protections for women and unborn children when it comes to abortion and their profit interests: "The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Action Fund engages in educational and electoral activity, including legislative advocacy, voter education, and grassroots organizing." Unfortunately, these four organizations only scratch the surface of the entrenched abortion lobby in our state. Again, NMAFL is leading the charge in exposing these organizations and their political allies who fight to keep extreme abortion policy in NM. Stay tuned for more information on the many organizations working against New Mexicans like you. Learn more about what you can do to help by watching the short video below. New Mexico Alliance for Life works for you and cannot continue without your support. We work around the clock to continue exposing the horrific practices of the abortion industry in our state, an industry that is protected by a fringe group of NM leaders that enjoy the patronage of the well funded abortion lobby. Help us continue to be the voice of the people of New Mexico in exposing the abortion industry and their partners. Donate today with a secure online donation by clicking here or the link below.
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