UNM Harvests Baby Body Parts Within Minutes of Late- Term Abortions New Mexico Alliance for Life has obtained details from a 2015 UNM research study describing... in their own words... how aborted baby liver and kidney "tissue" is harvested from "six fetuses," only 15 minutes after the babies are killed by UNM's Curtis Boyd abortionists: "This leaves many alarming questions concerning how notorious late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd, still serves as a UNM "assistant professor,"abortionist and tissue collection facilitator. The total disregard for human life illustrated in this UNM Department of Pediatrics research study by Dr. Robin Ohls and team is both sickening and horrifying. Death row inmates are treated with greater respect and dignity than these innocent, unborn babies. Additionally, this study has no merit, but reveals a blood thirst for human bodies to experiment with rather than seeking any worthwhile therapeutic application." See more below. |