New Mexico Alliance for Life 2017
Albuquerque Mayor’s Race Candidate Questionnaire
Ricardo Chaves
1. Do you consider yourself pro-life?
Yes, I do. I am pro-life with the rare exceptions of rape, incest, and the life of the mother.
2. What would you do as mayor to end Albuquerque's distinction as the late-term abortion capital of the country?
The fact that Albuquerque is known as the "late term abortion capital of the country" is disheartening and disgusting. I am openly vocal about my pro-life beliefs and won’t shy away from letting people know where I stand.
I’d use the full weight of the mayor’s office and the media to pressure Attorney General Hector Balderas to act on the investigations and findings that were presented to his office recently. Hector Balderas has endorsed Brian Colon’s candidacy for mayor, so you know these two would continue to encourage this awful behavior. They are cheerleaders of the abortion industry and their practices, and have raised lots of money for these abortionists. I would also be vocal about changing the perception that we as a city embrace these actions.
The mayor can also send health and building inspectors to make sure that these clinics are following the law. We could also look at the zoning laws in the area of the clinic. With the support of organizations like New Mexico Alliance for Life, we can pressure the ABQ City Council to rezone these areas for other uses. I would also lobby our state legislature to change our current laws that allow for “abortion on demand” at any point during the pregnancy. Unlike these career politicians that are running for mayor, I am action oriented. The time for talking is over and I would keep the pressure on!
3. What would do as mayor to promote a “culture of life” in Albuquerque? What does that look like to you?
My Catholic faith is very important to me. God has blessed me in so many ways. We must work together to help restore faith and morality back into our community. I would gather a group of our spiritual leaders from around the community to show solidarity in achieving a “culture of life” for Albuquerque. I would support a proclamation declaring a Pro-Life Day in October and participate in and promote events such as the March of Life rally in January.
We must lead by example and give our youth someone to look up to. That’s why I will continue to fund the afterschool programs that are far outperforming the Albuquerque Public School system in helping our kids graduate. I am willing to work with our private and non-profit sectors to ensure that the educational resources are readily available to those who may be considering other options than giving birth to their child. Your organization will play a big role in how those outside our community view Albuquerque. Whether it’s myself or one of the others who becomes Albuquerque’s next mayor, I hope you’ll continually hold their feet to the fire and pressure them to uphold the promises they’ve made here and elsewhere.